Fr : version française / En: english version

Powerful and immaterial

Powerful and immaterial

On earth as it is in heaven

On earth as it is in heaven

Taming fire

Taming fire

Quest for Fire

Quest for Fire

The raw and the cooked

The raw and the cooked

Roasting, frying, grilling, boiling and braising

Roasting, frying, grilling, boiling and braising

Household arts

Household arts

It's Winter, light the fire!

It's Winter, light the fire!

Heating the artist's workshop

Heating the artist's workshop

Adding fuel to the fire

Adding fuel to the fire

From earthenware jug to fridge

From earthenware jug to fridge



Vulcan's forges

Vulcan's forges

Magic of transparency

Magic of transparency

The Candelabra's luster

The Candelabra's luster

The electricity fairy

The electricity fairy

City lights

City lights

The steam horse

The steam horse



3, 2, 1...blastoff!

3, 2, 1...blastoff!

Fear in the city

Fear in the city

Caught in the cross fire

Caught in the cross fire



Show me a sign

Show me a sign

Witches and the stake

Witches and the stake

Up in smoke

Up in smoke

Saint John's bonfires

Saint John's bonfires

Like a great sun

Like a great sun

One last bouquet

One last bouquet

Adding fuel to the fire

No doubt about it, car radio antennas do not burn very well. Over the course of time, however, and based on what is available in the immediate environment, the hunt for heating fuels has been productive, yielding wood, peat, coal, oil, electric power—itself generated by a wide range of sources—the sun and more. Only to come round to the conclusion that wood is a renewable, clean energy, provided you burn it properly.

A vital skill

High up in the tree one bough capsized its load of snow. This fell on the boughs beneath, capsizing them. This process continued, spreading out and involving the whole tree. It grew like an avalanche, and it descended without warning upon the man and the fire, and the fire was blotted out! Where it had burned was a mantle of fresh and disordered snow.

The man was shocked. It was as though he had just heard his own sentence of death.

Suddenly he bared both hands, removing the mittens with his teeth. He caught the whole bunch between the heels of his hands. His arm-muscles not being frozen enabled him to press the hand-heels tightly against the matches. Then he scratched the bunch along his leg. It flared into flame, seventy sulfur matches at once! There was no wind to blow them out. He kept his head to one side to escape the strangling fumes, and held the blazing bunch to the birch-bark. As he so held it, he became aware of sensation in his hand. His flesh was burning. He could smell it. Deep down below the surface he could feel it. The sensation developed into pain that grew acute. And still he endured it, holding the flame of the matches clumsily to the bark that would not light readily because his own burning hands were in the way, absorbing most of the flame.

At last, when he could endure no more, he jerked his hands apart. The blazing matches fell sizzling into the snow, but the birch-bark was alight. He began laying dry grasses and the tiniest twigs on the flame. He could not pick and choose, for he had to lift the fuel between the heels of his hands. Small pieces of rotten wood and green moss clung to the twigs, and he bit them off as well as he could with his teeth. He cherished the flame carefully and awkwardly. It meant life, and it must not perish. The withdrawal of blood from the surface of his body now made him begin to shiver, and he grew more awkward. A large piece of green moss fell squarely on the little fire. He tried to poke it out with his fingers, but his shivering frame made him poke too far, and he disrupted the nucleus of the little fire, the burning grasses and tiny twigs separating and scattering. He tried to poke them together again, but in spite of the tenseness of the effort, his shivering got away with him, and the twigs were hopelessly scattered. Each twig gushed a puff of smoke and went out. The fire-provider had failed.

Jack London short story, To Build a Fire. First published in The Century Magazine, v. 76, August, 1908


A screenwriter and cartoonist, Reiser was born in 1941 in Meurthe-et-Moselle, to a mother who cleaned houses and an unknown father. Moving to Paris, he worked as a delivery man at Nicolas, the French wine retailer while trying his hand at drawing cartoons, which he had published wherever he could, including Nicolas's in-house newsletter.

He made the acquaintance of Georges Bernier, alias Professor Choron, and Cavanna, with whom he founded the "witty and sarcastic" satirical magazine Hara-Kiri in 1960. Reiser built an entire world around his favorite characters Jeannine and Gros Dégueulasse (Disgusting Fatty). His highly personal drawing style aimed for a crude comic expressiveness. His storylines, which rail against the stupidity and malice of the masses, always take a humanistic, poetic, sympathetic view of individuals. It is the signature characteristic of Reiser's work: unabashed bad taste, even vulgarity, softened by genuine empathy for ordinary people.

Passionately interested in ecology, aviation and architecture, Reiser, in addition to his regular features for Hara-kiri and Charlie Hebdo, also published his strips in Pilote, La gueule ouverte, Le Monde, L'écho des savanes and other publications. He died prematurely of cancer in 1983.

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