Fr : version française / En: english version

All roads lead to Rome

All roads lead to Rome

Sheltered by the ramparts

Sheltered by the ramparts

Belleforest's map of Paris

Belleforest's map of Paris

Pont Neuf

Pont Neuf

Paris, an open-plan city

Paris, an open-plan city

Haussmann: Minister of Paris

Haussmann: Minister of Paris

Everything's connected!

Everything's connected!

Rue Passagère

Rue Passagère

In a roundabout fashion...

In a roundabout fashion...

Lining the streets

Lining the streets



From the League to the Fronde

From the League to the Fronde

Taking to the streets

Taking to the streets

Forward march!

Forward march!

The resilient Republic!

The resilient Republic!

Let the party begin!

Let the party begin!

The Boulevard of Crime

The Boulevard of Crime

The carnival

The carnival

Industrious street life

Industrious street life



The central market

The central market

Paving the way...

Paving the way...

It's a dirty job...

It's a dirty job...

Standing firm

Standing firm

Let there be light!

Let there be light!

Sleep soundly, good people!

Sleep soundly, good people!

The beat goes on...

The beat goes on...

Forward march!

However, the demonstrators did not have a monopoly on the street: the powers that be also used the public arena to galvanize the people and impress potential enemies with military parades. Bright uniforms, shining weapons, synchronized footsteps and martial music—everything was designed to forge a sense of national unity and foster the feeling of a secure homeland.

May 1st 1945 parade in Moscow

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